Rails + Apache2 + Balancer Manager - PHP doesn't work


I have a Debian Server and I managed that Ruby works with Apache2 and the Balancer Manager that listen to the Mongrel server.

The Problem is that PHP files don't work anymore.

How do I have to configurate the Balance Manager that PHP is working again like without the Balance Manager?

Greetings Andi

You are going to have a virtualhost that does not forward all request to your mongrel... If the request is sent to a mongrel you will ne be able to render the php file...

SO here are some basics:

<virtualhost> DirectoryIndex index.php DocumentRoot "/disk/phpcode"

alias /railscode/javascripts /disk/railscode/public/javascripts alias /railscode/images /disk/railscode/public/images

<Directory "/disk/phpcode">   Options FollowSymLinks   AllowOverride None   Order allow,deny   Allow from all </Directory>

<Directory "/disk/railscode/public">   Options FollowSymLinks   AllowOverride None   Order allow,deny   Allow from all </Directory>

<Location "/railscode">   proxyPass balancer://mongrel/railscode </Location>


Hi Freddy

I am operating under ISPConfig, this is my Vhost File:

okay I found an other solution.

I did it the other way around:

ProxyPass /phpBB3 ! ProxyPass / balancer://aekschencluster/ stickysession=JSESSIONID

I set the phpBB3 Forum as an exception.


Depends on the rails backed but if you are using mongrel or thin you can setup a prefix for the app...

setup a prefix of /app and then in the balancer you use ProxyPass / balancer://cluster/app