Hello everyone,
I am a newbie in the Rails ecosystem and stuck with configuring an existing Rails application to use ActiveStorage properly, unfortunately I cannot get information at this point from the developer, so I’m trying here to get some information about ActiveStorage and Rails to understand what the problem might be.
The situation:
In one view, this function is used to return an Image URL
image_tag(card.image.variant(:large), alt: card.image.title)
results in in
which is not valid (1x1 pixel jpeg).
Another view uses
<%= image_tag image.variant(version),
class: image_class(image),
alt: image.title.unicode_normalize,
title: image.title.unicode_normalize %>
and results in a valid URL with this URL components
(it’s the same file as in the other view).
Anyone has hints how I can troubleshoot this? Does ActiveStorage need additional configuration here in the production environment file?
Thank you!