I started new project with rails 7 and ruby 3 : rails new erdemsproject --css=bootstrap
$rails g controller page index
(after that in routes: root “home#index” )
$rails s
And I’m giving a basic error in localhost’s red page: The asset “application.js” is not present in the asset pipeline.
on the:
I couldn’t solve the problem. I tried ./bin/dev and also i used ubuntu. I tried so much things.
I think rails 7 is not stable yet. It needs time to fix. My main reason is to choose rails 7 for turbo and stimilus. rails 6 is more complicated but solutions are solid and useful. I wonder that can i use turbo and stimilus in rails 6?
I just want to explain why it is hard to find someone answering.
It is basically because everyone choose different config now. For me, I use Propshaft + Webpack (and yes, also bootstrap, via Webpack). I have no complaint whatsoever for Rails 7 asset pipelining. It is just delegate everything to Webpack.
Rails 7 is rock solid for me in that regards.
It might be hard to find someone with the same option as yours.
Did you run bin/rails db:create (I knew that this was needed, but tried rails s and got an error which I fixed) and then no errors with routes.rb unchanged.