Rails has been released!

Hi everyone,

I am happy to announce that Rails has been released. This is a complementary release to

rack in order to address CVE-2019-16782.

CHANGES since 5.2.4

To view the changes for each gem, please read the changelogs on GitHub:

To see a summary of changes, please read the release on GitHub: CHANGELOG

Full listing

To see the full list of changes, [check out all the commits on



If you’d like to verify that your gem is the same as the one I’ve uploaded,

please use these SHA-256 hashes.

Here are the checksums for

$ shasum -a 256 *-

95531ad4731ff341e0df4bff722bc28cf534ca9ed9e00d8a4949474225abe5fb  actioncable-

aad99ddae83c22162ba580fc0efe10611bb407832605c21e3ff540ef071e7cb5  actionmailer-

5f9cfff904e6d8ed5bd9439a76639e22393308a295c13d663a4622e085a9b738  actionpack-

327e504aea3cfd7484c9ec059b7e58faad96be65379a2da959ee336444f7d342  actionview-

2141876d50219726ea17b9d8aa8604e6a8fc555fb6230d7987a422e6981b924c  activejob-

a1df0522b937364f1ff7f748457644de1863dfba4b4bf01386fd8270bef7e169  activemodel-

2fdbe670205b040f0de64198bdbb4093857a32a409e37ba9ade08c20af6965dc  activerecord-

ee841d3c038cc45f393bc384be8afc8f4629587411f3eb6b396821b4429aa835  activestorage-

57874366b06882ad0c0a0557640851aef13afec19bd4d6c2ee286c9d4eb7b452  activesupport-

402c80f8533052bb9f62e9c61aad9a559b96c04961ddda93151852b8f8572885  rails-

0b6b0ec65aedae1f3627b05091d63a55bfabd214f483389a9096332dbdc71ac7  railties-

As always, huge thanks to the many contributors who helped with this release.