Hi guys,
I’m having trouble getting named routes and form_for to play nicely in quite the way I would expect. Here’s a quick summary of what I’ve got going on:
Named route:
resources :thread, :class_name => "forum_thread"
Controller name:
Model object:
In both my new and edit actions I’m setting up an @thread variable:
@thread = ForumThread.new
1.) My first attempt at writing the form_for looked something like this:
<%= form_for @thread do |f| %>
<% end>
This didn’t work because @thread tries to use a path involving the string “forum_thread”, which doesn’t have a matching route and which I don’t want.
2.) So that’s fine, I figured I’d just use named routes. So I tried this:
<%= form_for @thread, :as => :thread, :url => thread_path(@thread) do |f| %>
<% end >
This works for edit actions, but not for new actions. On new I get the following error:
No route matches {:action=>“destroy”, :controller=>“forum_thread”, :id=>#<ForumThread id: nil, …>}
3.) So then I tried:
<%= form_for @thread, :as => :thread, :url => threads_path(@thread) do |f| %>
<% end >
This doesn’t work for edit, and sorta works for new except it outputs the following HTML, which makes the respond_to block unhappy:
....4.) So then I tried:
<%= form_for @thread, :as => :thread, :url => threads_path do |f| %>
<% end >
Now everything works for new, but not for edit! (Because the ID of the element being edited isn’t emitted as part of the action):
Is there some way to use a named route that uses a custom class name and still be able to reuse my form partial for both new and edit actions? Or am I stuck writing two forms?
Is the error I received in #2 a bug in Rails 3 or expected behavior?
Is the erroneous output in #3 a bug in Rails 3 or expected behavior?
My sincere thanks in advance for your help!