Rails 3 rspec 2 rendering XML repsonse.should contain(<hash>.to_xml)

Hi all,

Is there an issue with Rails 3 or rspec 2 that the repond_with({"success" => "test") where the response is not an xml text?

I have almost converted an old Rails 2 app to Rails 3 and having an issue with the rspec tests and the response content for xml. It works for json, but not xml.

Say I have something like this.

SimpleController < ActionController::Base

  respond_to :html, :xml, :json

  def test_action      @foo = { "success" => "test" }      respond_with(@foo) do |format|        format.html { render :text => "success"}     end   end end

When I tested the xml rendering, I check the response contains (have_text in rails 2) for the content. In the past (rails 2 and rspec 1.x), I would test this as: response.should have_text("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n<hash>\n <success>test</success>\n</hash>\n")

I converted the 'have_text' to 'contain' to read: response.should contain("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n<hash>\n <success>test</success>\n</hash>\n")

This spec fails with on xml and not json:

     Failure/Error: response.should contain(success_text)      expected the following element's content to include "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>      <hash>        <success>xml</success>      </hash>      ":      test

It looks like, the response is only "test" which is the value of the hash.

On json the response is as expected: {"success":"test"}.

Sorry for the lame example, but I really did not want to go into big long explanation of the "real" test code. Basically, I test the response and it should contain valid xml or json based on the format. I even tried response.body and it fails. Is this a rspec issue? I did a pp of the response and the body does look like the expected result.

Has anyone come across this?



Hi all,

Is there an issue with Rails 3 or rspec 2 that the repond_with({"success" => "test") where the response is not an xml text?

I have almost converted an old Rails 2 app to Rails 3 and having an issue with the rspec tests and the response content for xml. It works for json, but not xml.

Say I have something like this.

SimpleController < ActionController::Base

respond_to :html, :xml, :json

def test_action @foo = { "success" => "test" } respond_with(@foo) do |format| format.html { render :text => "success"} end end end

When I tested the xml rendering, I check the response contains (have_text in rails 2) for the content. In the past (rails 2 and rspec 1.x), I would test this as: response.should have_text("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n<hash>\n <success>test</success>\n</hash>\n")

I converted the 'have_text' to 'contain' to read: response.should contain("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n<hash>\n <success>test</success>\n</hash>\n")

The contain matcher comes from either webrat or capybara, and is designed to specify content that is visible in a browser in an HTML page (i.e. not tags).

I'd go with have_xpath instead, which is supported by both webrat and capybara, though with slightly different APIs for each (check their docs).

HTH, David