Rails 3 Development Servers - Is mongrel on its way out?

Hi folks,

Because life happened I had to put down rails/web development for a while. I am starting a new project on rails 3 and noticed that mongrel isn't even included in the Gemfile which is required in order to get mongrel to load. What is the school of thought in rails 3 wrt to a development server? Have people moved on to unicorn or some other devel server? Any feedback is useful.

Thanks! Dave

dbush wrote in post #955185:

Hi folks,

Because life happened I had to put down rails/web development for a while. I am starting a new project on rails 3 and noticed that mongrel isn't even included in the Gemfile which is required in order to get mongrel to load. What is the school of thought in rails 3 wrt to a development server? Have people moved on to unicorn or some other devel server? Any feedback is useful.

Have you searched the list archives yet? There has been some discussion of this topic.

Thanks! Dave


I did but didn’t see anything that really answered my question so I decided to post.

Cheers, Dave

Hi Dave,

You should check out passenger 3.0, fresh from yesterday and really awesome.

You can now start your development server with a passenger start command.

hope it helps.

