Rails 3.1 RC4 default_scope and count

I've run into an issue in Rails 3.1 RC4 where the count query is failing because of a default_scope. The scope has an include and a condition on the included association but count is dropping the include. Here's what it looks like -

default_scope where('campaigns.inactive = ?', false).order('funds.name').includes(:campaigns)

Rails 3.1 RC4 -

ruby-1.9.2-p180 :001 > Fund.count [2011-06-12 14:35:43 | WARN | n/a | named_scope.rb:175:in `valid_scope_name?']

Creating scope :all. Overwriting existing method Fund.all.

[2011-06-12 14:35:43 | DEBUG | n/a | log_subscriber.rb:105:in `debug']

   (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "funds" WHERE (campaigns.inactive = 'f')

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "campaigns" LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "funds" WHERE (campaigns.inactive = 'f...

Rails 3.0.8 -

ruby-1.9.2-p180 :001 > Fund.count => 1

SQL (43.8ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "funds"."id") FROM "funds" LEFT OUTER JOIN "campaigns" ON "campaigns"."fund_id" = "funds"."id" WHERE (campaigns.inactive = 'f')

Please could you file this as an issue on Github, with a full example of the models you are using?


Hi, I've always had problems when I used a "includes" in a default scope with methods such as "count" or "built", try to remove the "includes(:campaigns)", of course the ('campaigns.inactive = ?', false) do not work.

You can use a specific scope like :actives, where('campaigns.inactive = ?', false)

¿A better solution?