Rails 3.1 CoffeeScript not working

I convert my old JS files into CoffeeScript, In my public controller I used this functions

$('#events a').lightBox()

$(document).ready ->

  $("#slider").easySlider     auto: true,     continuous: true

they load inside application.js like this

(function() {   $('#events a').lightBox();   $(document).ready(function() {     $("#slider").easySlider({       auto: true,       continuous: true     }); });

but it doesnt seems to work, also tried with an alert "hello" and doesnt work neither, what i'm doing wrong?


$ →

$(‘#events a’).lightBox()


  auto: true
  continuous: true

There is an online js to coffeescript converter out there, I just can’t find the link right now too.


Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

they load inside application.js like this

(function() { $('#events a').lightBox(); $(document).ready(function() { $("#slider").easySlider({ auto: true, continuous: true });


Isn't .call(this) missing at the end? The function is not called at all, no wonder it doesnt work.

Peter De Berdt wrote in post #1012552:

I found the problem, a jquery plugin isnt loading well.

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

but it was working after rails 3.1, is beeing loaded at the end of the file so it should be ok

(bubblepopup plugin)

the problem is that coffee creates this in a private scope, so any method from inside that scope can't be called..


window.testFunction: (param) ->   alert param


testFunction2: (param) ->   alert param

and check 'compiled' code of both

the function with "window" prefix will be available globally, instead of the other one

there's a big difference between (after 'compiling')

(function () {   var testFunction2 = function(param) {     alert(param);    } }();

and var testFunction = function(param)   alert(param); }

as for the first case, there's no publicly exposed part of the first testFunction2 function.
