There's been some great stuff added to edge since 2.0.2. Any chance it might be wrapped up into a 2.1 release? Cheers Chris
What specifically?
I personally feel it's a bit too soon for 2.1
I'm specifically thinking of the improvements to caching (e.g. ability to cache non-erb templates and memcache stuff) and routing. However, obviously there's a fair bit of overhead in doing a release, so that has to be factored in too.
Cheers Chris
Ryan Bigg wrote:
My app is frozen to a trunk checkout from a few weeks after 2.0.2. I tried updating it to HEAD yesterday and most of my tests failed. Stuff like my Haml plugin version not working with the latest actionpack (minor problem) to the new preloading associations not picking up my scoped :includes (major problem).
I’ll be working on patches to iron things out but I don’t think the level of upgrade support that the current code would require is worth a release just yet.
I would like to see one in a few months though.
::Jack Danger
I'll be working on patches to iron things out but I don't think the level of upgrade support that the current code would require is worth a release just yet.
I would like to see one in a few months though.
We definitely want to push 2.1 'relatively' quickly, but the current state of trunk is quite a way from being a usable release. I'll spend some time backporting more of the bugfixes and push out a 2.0.x at some stage too. But for now, edge is still evolving.
I can imagine that backporting something like Rails is not easy, but I just wanted to put in a good word for continuing with regular incremental releases. I'm probably in the minority here, but I prefer to run my apps on gems, and I really appreciated the quick releases in the 2.0.x branch.
- Trevor