Radio button issues in a list


I have a list of companies for a given user. One (and only one) company can be a default company for that user. I have a radio button that appears on each row in the list of companies (here is my code):

<% form_tag :action => 'update_default_company', :id => @company, :method => :post do %>   <table>     <tr>     <th><%= "Name" %></th>     <th><%= "Size" %></th>     <th><%= "Default Company" %></th>     </tr>

  <% for @company in @companies %>     <tr>       <td><%= %></td>     <td><%= @company.size %></td>     <td><%= radio_button("company", "default_company", true) %> </tr>   <% end %>   </table>   <%= submit_tag "Change Default" %> <% end %>

From this list, the user is allowed to change the default company and click on a button (implemented with a submit tag, which calls a method in the controller). The radio buttons are the only editable field on this form.

Question: How do I get the necessary values back to the controller? Currently, I only get the selected radio button, but not the associated company data.



&lt;td&gt;&lt;%= radio\_button\(&quot;company&quot;, &quot;default\_company&quot;, true\) %&gt;

that third parameter is what will appear in params[:company] [:default_company] so typically you set it to something like

Overwriting @company like that won't do you any favours, I would do

<% for company in @companies %>     <tr>       <td><%= %></td>     <td><%= company.size %></td>     <td><%= radio_button("company", "default_company", %> </tr> <% end %>


Frederick Cheung wrote:

that third parameter is what will appear in params[:company] [:default_company] so typically you set it to something like

Overwriting @company like that won't do you any favours, I would do

<% for company in @companies %>     <tr>       <td><%= %></td>     <td><%= company.size %></td>     <td><%= radio_button("company", "default_company", %> </tr> <% end %>


I have changed the third parm and I see what you mean, but here is my confusion. I thought the third parm was used for determining which radio button should be selected, when loading the companies from the database. In my case, only one company has default set to true, so I put true in the third parm. It works nicely for displaying the data.

So now the question becomes how do I set that radio button values to correspond to the database values?

Thanks for your help.
