Question:how to paginate comments?

hello again,

i'm trying to paginate comments with will_paginate in order, newest on top, and i'm using the sample script from acts_as_commentable in my controller:

def add_comment       commentable_type = params[:commentable][:commentable]       commentable_id = params[:commentable][:commentable_id]       # Get the object that you want to comment       commentable = Comment.find_commentable(commentable_type, commentable_id)

      # Create a comment with the user submitted content       comment =[:comment])       # Assign this comment to the logged in user       comment.user_id = current_user

      # Add the comment       commentable.comments << comment

      redirect_to :action => "show",       :id => commentable_id end

as well as :

  def show_comment     @post = Post.paginate :per_page =>10, :page => params[:page],     :order => "DESC"   end i have a partial that shows just the comments to the post

<%= @post.comments%> <%= will_paginate @post.comments %>

and i get this msg: undefined method `page_count' for #<Class:0x4a7601c>

so my question is how do i paginate comments for specific posts?

thank you guys!

i'm a bit vconfused about your code, do you want to paginate posts and "sub-paginate" the comments for each?!?

i guess your show_comments method should rather get 1 post, and paginate the comments for this post. it *should* work like this, though i didn't test it.

@post = Post.find(params[:id]) @comments = @post.comments.paginate :per_page => 10, :page => params[:page], :order => " created_at DESC" #... <%= will_paginate @comments %>

i use a seperate variabel for the comments, as the paginate method doesn't return a simple array but a will_paginate object (that extends Array if i recall correctly) Give it a shot.