Question about some code in the agile book

Hi --

Hi --

current_item is an instance of class CartItem, and increment_quantity is an instance method of CartItem. It doesn't matter what file you're in. The only thing that matters is whether or not the object (current_item) understands the message you're sending it (increment_quantity).

Hmm, isnt current_item a local variable? It makes sense that in this code the current_item.increment_quantity is wokring, but my questions how it is working. For me its essential to understand how it works so I know how to use in the future . I would like to understand what is going on in the background.

It's not even the background -- it's all up front :slight_smile:

current_item is a local variable which happens to refer to a CartItem object. You want that CartItem object to do something, so you send it the message "increment_quantity". The message-sending syntax in Ruby takes the form:


where object can be, and usually is, a variable. "Sending a message" is how you tell the object you want it to execute a particular method (or trigger whatever unknown-method handlers it may have available to it).

The "local" in "local variable" describes its scope. Local variables inside method definitions are only in scope inside the definition:

   x = 1 # x in outer local scope    def my_method      x = 2 # x in method's local scope      puts x # prints 2    end    puts x # back to first x, so it prints 1

But, even though they are local in scope, they can have anything assigned to them:

   class C      def report        puts "I'm a C instance!"      end    end

   def my_method      x =    end

   my_method # I'm a C instance!

I definitely agree that it's a good idea to get a good handle on Ruby while you're learning Rails. There's even a book written exactly for people who are trying to do exactly that :slight_smile:


Nice explanation David, you're a helpful old chap. And your book is excellent. I was a beta reader and it was/is a tremendous resource to a Rails/Ruby developer

Good work mate

Keep it up

Kirk out

Hi --