Question about _pick_template and template_file_extension


quick question about _pick_template and template_file_extension. The template_file_extension is extracted in the method but not used later to find a template. This leads to the case were a template isn't found and, view_paths) is called which triggers a performance warning. E.g. if you have a template in: app/views/information/scripts.js which you try to include with: render :file => 'information/ scripts.js' the lookup isn't checking for "information/scripts.js" in the view_paths if the rendered format for the page is html. Only these cases are checked: self.view_paths["#{template_file_name}.#{template_format}"] and self.view_paths[template_file_name] which both don't exist. So the question is if there shouldn't be a case in between like so: if template = self.view_paths["#{template_file_name}.# {template_format}"]   template elsif template_file_extension && template = self.view_paths["# {template_file_name}.#{template_file_extension}"]   template elsif template = self.view_paths[template_file_name]   template

Thanks, Daniel

Ah, so its not picking up templates w/o an extension.

Seems like a legit bug. Could you please wrap this up in a patch and create a LH ticket.

I think files w/o an extension (in a view path) should be renderable without a template handler. I don't think they should be erb processed.

I created a ticket at LH: and attached a patch to it. It applies to 2.2 branch