I am testing the helper "drop_receiving_element" refer to the ROR book. the sample code like this :
<%= drop_receiving_element('completed_todos', :accept => 'pending_todo', :complete => "$('spinner').hide();" , :before => "$('spinner').show();" , :hoverclass => 'hover', :with => "'todo=' + encodeURIComponent(element.id.split('_').last())" , :url => {:action=>:todo_completed, :id=>@user})%>
When I test this code, it will block the following action(here is :todo_completed). If you refresh the page, nothing changed. But when you drag the item, the effect looks like that item really be draged to another list and stay there.
If I removed the :complete and :before option, it will invoke the action as expect. But the item will go to its original location after drop. When I refresh the page, I can see the change.
What does $('spinner').hide(); do in detail? I think the problem it something about "$('spinner')". Any idea will be appreciated
thanks Edwin