I think has_many :through might also be what you're looking for. You
can avoid writing SQL 99% of the time if you learn how to use the
various flavors of ActiveRecord associations.
select * from table1 inner join table2 on table1.foreign_key =
select * from table1 inner join table2 on table1.foreign_key =
table2.foreign_key join table3 on table2.foreign_key=table3.foreign_key
These are the SQL commands, I need to apply it in Rails. Kindly tell me the
syntax in Rails to apply these SQL commands instead of sql_query.
Take a look at the :joins option to find (or the joins scope
modifiying thing in rails 3)
I think has_many :through might also be what you’re looking for. You
can avoid writing SQL 99% of the time if you learn how to use the
various flavors of ActiveRecord associations.
Dear Jeff,
In model I can apply has_many and belongs_to option. How I can apply those tables in Controller and View… I am new bee… I tried with some tutorials, every tutorial i m getting instructions to use has_many and belongs_to in model. I am getting problem with controllers and view to use “find” with foreign_keys if I use those options in model.