HEllo all,
Kindly look into the below query
@access_senders = GroupUser.find_by_sql "select distinct user_id from group_users where group_id in (SELECT group_id FROM group_users where user_id=2)"
when i inspect the @access_senders i get the below
[#<GroupUser user_id: 2>, #<GroupUser user_id: 41>, #<GroupUser user_id: 3518>, #<GroupUser user_id: 3519>, #<GroupUser user_id: 3520>, #<GroupUser user_id: 352 1>, #<GroupUser user_id: 3522>, #<GroupUser user_id: 3523>]
now i want to append 3 into the above result set...#<GroupUser user_id: 3>
is it poosible to do ... pls help me up