prototype not working with rails 2.2.2 ?


i made an application using rails and prototype and all worked fine... But today i upgraded rails to 2.2.2 and from that moment when i open the webpage with firefox it gives me an error like "object is null" and some prototype "helpers" doesn't work at all as for example the observe_field...

Can anyone help me?

Thanks, Riccardo

Hi, did you run the following command after installing the gem?

rake rails:update



i did :

~/webapps/test/app/views/test$ rake rails:update (in /home/citec/webapps/test)

but nothing changes

Firefox gives me an element not found error in prototyoe.js line 3588 and the observe_field ajax function is not working


Hi, what does the following commands produce?

gem -v

rails -v


gem -v /usr/bin/gem:11:Warning: Gem::manage_gems is deprecated and will be removed on or after March 2009. 1.3.1

rails -v Rails 2.2.2

My code was

TEST <br> <div id="text">CIAO</div> <br> <%= select_tag 'direction', options_for_select (@directions), :multiple => false,:class=>'list'%>

<%= observe_field 'direction', :url => { :action => :observe_field_test },:frequency => 0.25,:update => :text,:with => 'direction' %>

now trying to change it to

TEST <br> <div id="text">CIAO</div> <br> <%= select_tag 'direction', options_for_select(@directions), :multiple => false,:class=>'list'%>

<%= observe_field 'direction', :url => { :action => :observe_field_test },:frequency => 0.25,:update => :text,:with => 'direction' %>

seems to work....

but i don't understand why....