protected method in production environment

Hi, All

This is my first email in this group.

I am trying to invoke a protected method in controller, kind of like this


before_filter :cache_action, :cache_path => { |controller|“path_to_what_i_want#{controller.current_platform}”}

the method current_platform is a protected method. It works well in local development environment but raise an error that can not invoke protected method while i deployed in production. This is weird, so anybody know about this?

We use pushsion_passenger and nginx in production.


Hi, All This is my first email in this group. I am trying to invoke a protected method in controller, kind of like this


before_filter :cache_action, :cache_path => { >controller>"path_to_what_i_want#{controller.current_platform}"}

the method current_platform is a protected method. It works well in local development environment but raise an error that can not invoke protected method while i deployed in production. This is weird, so anybody know about this?

What happens if you run it in production mode on your development machine?
