I love the strict loading feature, for a couple of reasons:
- The obvious one - it reduces the likelihood of N+1 queries, and in general prioritises performance
- It highlights where you are probably loading way too many records from the database (e.g. an absurdly large
We’ve switched it on by default across our codebase, raising violation errors in test / dev, and just logging strict loading violations in production.
That said, after carefully setting up all your strict loading, there’s nothing stopping someone triggering additional queries elsewhere in the codebase (e.g. loading another model from an instance method of a Rails model). I think it’d be valuable to have the option to prevent unexpected queries if desired, so that, in general, any “website operation” (e.g. any POST / PUT / PATCH / DELETE), would operate something like:
- Load all the data you need at the start
- Do some stuff (perhaps some calculations etc.)
- Save the changes to your model(s)
I have managed to get something working through ActiveSupport::Notifications
, Thread.current
and a module that instruments a class’ instance methods. Obviously this is an attempt to make this work outside of Rails, so this isn’t an implementation suggestion, but at least shows it’s possible.
In addition, I’ve excluded it from the code below, but it’d be possible to opt out for specific methods (e.g. a Rails model could have a self.skip_query_interception = %i[thing]
). In addition, FactoryBot doesn’t work well with strict loading, and you’d need similar escape hatches to turn it off completely.
There’s also no reason this couldn’t work outside of Rails models
module QueryInterceptable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
METHOD_INFORMATION_KEY = :model_instance_method
class QueryInterceptor < Module
def initialize(model)
model.public_methods(false).each do |method|
# Maybe there's an easier way to exclude Rails generated methods?
next if RAILS_METHOD_REGEXPS.any? { |regexp| method.to_s.match?(regexp) }
define_method(method) do |*args, **kwargs, &block|
Thread.current[METHOD_INFORMATION_KEY] = { klass: self.class.name, method: }
value = super(*args, **kwargs, &block)
Thread.current[METHOD_INFORMATION_KEY] = nil
UnexpectedQueryError = Class.new(StandardError)
def self.active_record_notification_handler(event)
return if %w[TRANSACTION SCHEMA].include?(event.payload.fetch(:name))
model_instance_method = Thread.current[METHOD_INFORMATION_KEY] || return
raise UnexpectedQueryError.new(model_instance_method, event.payload.fetch(:sql))
included do
after_initialize :instrument_instance_methods
def instrument_instance_methods
return if self.class.included_modules.any? { |module| module.is_a?(QueryInterceptor) }
self.class.prepend QueryInterceptor.new(self)
ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('sql.active_record') do |event|
Then for any class
class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
include QueryInterceptable
class SomeNonRailsClass
include QueryInterceptable
You might also want to configure this globally too (e.g. apply to all classes outside of app/services
or app/jobs
etc.). This way you wouldn’t need to include in potentially hundreds / thousands of files.
Would this be a feature that people would be interested in? Could it be rolled into strict loading / be its own thing?
Thanks, Alex