problems with validation on STI

I have the following STI table:

def self.up     create_table :distributions do |t|       t.string :type       t.integer :simulation_id       t.string :dist_name       t.string :desc, :default=> 'fixed'       t.float :param1, :default => 5.0       t.float :param2, :param3       t.timestamps

      #fields for RscDist       t.integer :resource_id

      #fields for LoadDist       t.integer :load_id     end   end

My model file looks like this:

class Distribution < ActiveRecord::Base

    validates_presence_of :desc, :param1     validates_uniqueness_of :dist_name, :scope => "simulation_id"      validates_inclusion_of :desc,                         :in => %w{fixed exponential normal uniform triangular},                         :message => "should be 'fixed', 'exponential', 'normal', 'uniform', 'triangular'"     validates_numericality_of :param1, :param2, :param3

    def to_s         "desc = " + desc + " param1 = " + param1.to_s + " dist_name = " + dist_name + " type = " + type.to_s     end

    protected     def validate         #desc can be fixed, exponential, normal, uniform, triangular         errors.add("need 2nd parameter") if desc == 'normal' || desc == 'uniform' || desc == 'triangular'         errors.add("need 3rd parameter") if desc == 'triangular'     end


class LoadDist < Distribution

    validates_uniqueness_of :dist_name, :scope => "load_id"

    belongs_to :load end

class RscDist < Distribution     validates_uniqueness_of :dist_name, :scope => "resource_id"

    belongs_to :resource end

In my unit tests I can't seem to get a valid object. Here's my setup:

def setup         @s1 = simulations(:base)         @rsc1 = resources(:rsc1)         @d1 =         @d1.simulation_id =         @d1.resource_id =     end

and then the test:

def test_params_exp

    @d1.desc = 'exponential'

    assert !@d1.valid?

    @d1.param1 = 14     @d1.dist_name = 'dist1'     puts @d1.to_s     assert @d1.valid?   end

The final line "assert @d1.valid?" fails, even though I have a :desc field that is properly spelled, a numerical :param1, and a unique :dist_name. The message is:

  1) Failure: test_params_exp(DistributionTest)     [test/unit/distribution_test.rb:35:in `test_params_exp'      c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.1.0/lib/active_support/testi ng/setup_and_teardown.rb:33:in `__send__'      c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.1.0/lib/active_support/testi ng/setup_and_teardown.rb:33:in `run']: <false> is not true.

What am I doing wrong?

I think I found the problem. I was expecting empty attributes for desc and param1, but I set those to 'fixed' and 5 by default. *embarrassed grin*

The final line "assert @d1.valid?" fails, even though I have a :desc field that is properly spelled, a numerical :param1, and a unique :dist_name. The message is:

I don't know what the problem is off the top of my head, but after calling @d1.valid?, calling @d1.errors will show you the validation failures which should help you in tracking down the problem
