problems with validates_format_of

hi, i'm trying to validate the format of a date and have the following regular code:

validates_presence_of :dob validates_format_of :dob, :with => /^[0-9]{4}[-][0-9]{2}[-][0-9]{2}$/, :unless => { |u| u.dob.blank? }

i've checked the regexp independently and it works, and i've put this regexp with telephone, and it checks the dates correctly (telephone is a integer type), however when i do it with dob it'll give me some strange results: 23-12-2008 will be valid, while 23-13-2008 won't. so i'm guessing it's checking whether dates are valid completely independently from my validations, however this isn't what i want.

am i missing something here? thanks daniel

the error message i get if i write 23-13-2008 is "dob can't be blank"

Daniel Fac wrote:

the error message i get if i write 23-13-2008 is "dob can't be blank"

At the point the validation runs the string '23-13-2008' has been turned into an actual date (ie an instance of Time or Date depending

thank you I just noticed this as you wrote it :frowning: shit i've been trying to fix this for four hours damn ruby... :frowning: Frederick Cheung wrote: