Problems with schema.rb?

I'm having problems (acctually diferences) in the generated databases by Rails. Here's my database.yaml:

===== database.yaml ===== defaults: &defaults   adapter: mysql   encoding: utf8   username: root   password:   socket: /tmp/mysql.sock

development:   database: gemarco_development   <<: *defaults

test:   database: gemarco_test   <<: *defaults

production:   database: gemarco   <<: *defaults ===== database.yaml =====

And the migration:

===== 20080603140348_create_creditos.rb ===== class CreateCreditos < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.up     create_table :creditos do |t|       t.decimal :valor     end   end

  def self.down     drop_table :creditos   end end ===== 20080603140348_create_creditos.rb =====

After applying the migrations I have:

use gemarco_development;

Database changed

I assume you ran the migration by running rake db:migrate. This only affects the development environment unless you specify the RAILS_ENV environment value to override it. (rake RAILS_ENV=test db:migrate)

But you can also use rake db:test:prepare to copy the schema of the development environment from the development database to the test database.

I assume you ran the migration by running rake db:migrate.

He said as much in his message.

But you can also use rake db:test:prepare to copy the schema of the development environment from the development database to the test database.

He said he ran rake test:units to get his test db up to date, which would have fired db:test:prepare via prereq.

Lionel, just to run the whole thing cleanly, can you try doing rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare and then check schema.rb to see if it still wants to create an integer column even though your migration creates a decimal column?

When you said everything was ok when you specified the precision and scale in the migration, were you specifying :precision => 10, :scale => 0?

Out of curiosity, (and I know it's the default, but) why would one want a decimal column with a scale of zero? -hume.

Just to make it more clear, I started a new Rails project as described here:

Lionel, just to run the whole thing cleanly, can you try doing rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare and then check schema.rb to see if it still wants to create an integer column even though your migration creates a decimal column?

This time I used 'rake db:test:prepare', as Rick said, and got the same results.

When you said everything was ok when you specified the precision and scale in the migration, were you specifying :precision => 10, :scale => 0?

No. ':precision => 9, :scale => 2'. But I did the same test again, this time specifying ':precision => 10, :scale => 0' and, one more time, I got the same results. I think this could be something with MySQL or the communication between MySQL and Rails. I mean, DECIMAL(10,0) and BIGINT(10) differ only by the scale information and maybe this is confusing MySQL or Rails.

Out of curiosity, (and I know it's the default, but) why would one want a decimal column with a scale of zero?

Just for testing purposes. I was going to put the constraints later. ;o)

PS: LEonel, not LIonel. ;oP

Thanks for your attention. ;oD