Hi list,
I've got a little problem with rendering different mime-types. For example, I would like to append ".pdf" to my URL to generate a PDF. Appending ".pdf" to the url tells rails which part of the respond_to block will be executes. So, if I append ".pdf", it'll run the format.pdf part and if nothing is appended, it'll run the format.html part.
But obviously this doens't tell rails wich template it should render. Whenever I register a new template handler for a mime-type (in my case: ".report" => ActionView::Base::register_template_handler :report, Acts::Reportable::View) rails tries to render that new template instead of the standard .rhtml-template.
For example, when I create a new report-template for an existing action in an existing controller (i.e. the action "show" for my controller "PeopleController"), rails try to render the .report-template instead of the .rhtml Template whenenver I call the address "http://localhost:3000/people"\.
What's the idea behind this? Shouldn't the .rhtml View be the default (as rails is mainly a web-framework)? How can I tell rails which template it should render by default?
Regards, Timo