Problems occur during production, but not in development


Basically I've created a system with categories, that belong to tutorials, and these tutorials have positions. I've only recently created to new position thing, and I've added this to my edit form:

  <p>     <%= f.label :position %><br />     <%= f.text_field :position %>   </p>

This works fine in production mode, and everything is as it should be. However when I upload it to my actual site (so it goes to production mode) it says an error has occured. And the production log gives out this error:

ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `position' for #<Tutorial: 0xb752a384>) on line #21 of app/views/tutorials/edit.html.erb: 18: </p> 19: <p> 20: <%= f.label :position %><br /> 21: <%= f.text_field :position %> 22: </p> 23: <p> 24: <%= f.submit 'Update' %>

    app/views/tutorials/edit.html.erb:21     app/views/tutorials/edit.html.erb:4

Since it mentions line four, I figured I should show you guys line four as well:

<% form_for(@tutorial) do |f| %>

I don't know why it wont work. Everything else that's like this works, for example the category_id:

  <p>     <%= f.label :category_id %><br />     <%= f.text_field :category_id %>   </p>

I just can't figure out why it won't work,

Please Help,

Thanks In Advance,



Basically I've created a system with categories, that belong to tutorials, and these tutorials have positions. I've only recently created to new position thing, and I've added this to my edit form:

<p> <%= f.label :position %><br /> <%= f.text_field :position %> </p>

This works fine in production mode, and everything is as it should be.

I guess you meant ok in development.

However when I upload it to my actual site (so it goes to production mode) it says an error has occured. And the production log gives out this error:

ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `position' for #<Tutorial: 0xb752a384>) on line #21 of app/views/tutorials/edit.html.erb: 18: </p> 19: <p> 20: <%= f.label :position %><br /> 21: <%= f.text_field :position %> 22: </p> 23: <p> 24: <%= f.submit 'Update' %>

app/views/tutorials/edit.html.erb:21 app/views/tutorials/edit.html.erb:4

Did you remember to run the migration on the production db so that the new column is there?


I did mean OK in development.

And as for running the migration on production. I wasn't even aware I could do that. I just run rake db:migrate.

How can I run the migration on production? (I'll be googling while waiting for a reply :P),

Thanks for your help,


Ok. Found it out and it works.

Thanks for your help, I can't belive I didn't even know about migrating in production mode (I remember I had the problem before, but couldnt remember how I fixued it (must have been via this method)).

If anyone wants to know how: rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"

Thanks so much!


Joe wrote:

Ok. Found it out and it works.

Thanks for your help, I can't belive I didn't even know about migrating in production mode (I remember I had the problem before, but couldnt remember how I fixued it (must have been via this method)).

If anyone wants to know how: rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"

Better yet, set up Capistrano, which automates this and most other deployment tasks.

Thanks so much!

