Problem with tiny_mce

I have a problem with the tiny_mce, i have this javascript in my view (that javacript works fine because when i didn't had tiny_mce it worked fine):

   . <script>    . function change(value)    . {    .    . <% for layout in @layouts %>    .    . if (value == "<%= layout.temp_id %>")    . {    . document.getElementById ("text_area_html_content").innerHTML = '<%= layout.body %>';   . }   .   . <% end %>   .   . }   . </script>

And also I have this in the HTML

  . <%= collection_select(:temp,:temp, @templates, :id, :name , {:class => 'selecttag'}, :onchange => "change(value);") %>   .   . <%= f.text_area :body, {:id => "text_area_html_content",:class => 'mceEditor'} %>


The 'onchange' event of the select tag changes the innerHTML of the textarea using the javascript above. When I had the text without the tiny_mce it worked fine, but now with the tiny_mce the innerHTML it doesn't works.

Can anyone help me, any ideas?


I solved the issue:

This was the the old script:

  tinyMCE.get('editor1').setContent('<h1>This is Ronen Site 1</h1>');

   . <script>    . function change(value)    . {    .    . <% for layout in @layouts %>    .    . if (value == "<%= layout.temp_id %>")    . {    . document.getElementById ("text_area_html_content").innerHTML = '<%= layout.body %>';   . }   .   . <% end %>   .   . }   . </script>

I changed it to:

   . <script>    . function change(value)    . {    .    . <% for layout in @layouts %>    .    . if (value == "<%= layout.temp_id %>")    . { tinyMCE.get('text_area_html_content').setContent('<%= layout.body %>');   . }   .   . <% end %>   .   . }   . </script>

Hope it helps someone in the future,
