problem with replacing div with partial page


       i am working jquery+rails in view i sent data to contoller's action and in that i action i tried to replace div with partial page using following def search_new     @manufact=Manufacturer.find_by_manufacturer_id(manf_id)     respond_to do |format|       format.html       format.js {         render(:update) {|page|      page << "$.("#search_new").html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => "search_new"))%>")"      }       }   end end

but its not performing any action, could any one provide me solution ?

thanks, -pab

def search_new      @manufact=Manufacturer.find_by_manufacturer_id(manf_id)

      respond_to do |format|          format.js do             render do |page|

                  page.replace_html "search_new",:partial => "search_new "

             end            end        end end

Try the above code.

replace_html is a Prototype helper and has been deprecated in Rails 3.1


   replace_html is prototype method so it won't work, could u provide me any other solution that supports jquery ?

thanks, -pab

First of all it looks like you have a syntax error in the JavaScript:


should be


If that doesn’t fix the issue, there still might be something else wrong.