Problem with model validation with ajax

I have got a problem with :on => create validation

validates_uniqueness_of :nip, :regon, on => :create

Doesn't work properly when I call it via xhr

In my log

Processing AdminController#doajaxing_for_updateuser (for at 2010-03-22 17:37:13) [PUT]   Parameters: {"account"=>{"company_attributes"=>{"nip"=>"634-119-69-92"}}, "named"=>"company|nip", "locale"=>"pl"}

Processing AdminController#doajaxing_for_createuser (for at 2010-03-22 17:31:33) [POST]   Parameters: {"account"=>{"company_attributes"=>{"nip"=>"634-119-69-95"}}, "named"=>"company|nip", "locale"=>"pl"}

It looks fine, Put and Post is given by my jquery request...

But still validation is always invoking validates_uniqueness_of .... why /.??

I check validation by:


and later bringing messages using something like this



I have got a problem with :on => create validation

validates_uniqueness_of :nip, :regon, on => :create

The :on there doesn't refer to the controller action - it refers to whether the save is an update to an existing record or not.


So painful, I was wondering is there any dry_save or something like this ?

Piotr Mąsior wrote:

So painful, I was wondering is there any dry_save or something like this ?

How do you populate your @model?


Model is passed by @model variable with nested attributes so it is like:

@model = @model.build_another

at form it is looped through like

- form_for @account, :url => { :action => @given_action , :controller => 'admin'} do |f| - f.fields_for :company do |o|         %label{:for => "company|name"}= Company.human_attribute_name(:name)         = o.text_field :name, :named => "company|name"         - o.fields_for :city do |x|           %label{:for => "company|city|name"}= City.human_attribute_name(:name)           = x.text_field :name, :named => "company|city|name"

jquery is responsible for communication and requesting my particular methods so it calls appropriate model basing on something like params[:model], doajaxing method knows how to deal with nested attributes

so it request from controller some action like doajaxing_for_createmodel and it looks like:

  def doajaxing_for_createmodel     doajaxing("account")   end

and doajaxing itself looks like

def doajaxing(object_name)     if request.xhr?       sended = params[object_name.to_sym]       object_name = object_name.camelize       @process = object_name.constantize       @process =       @process.valid? ##some other processing if @process.errors[current_given]   #process message and field   #some @response is given in json   render :json => @response end end

that it work... I wonder if I can use instead of @process.valid? something else

Piotr Mąsior wrote:

Model is passed by @model variable with nested attributes so it is like:

@model =


at form it is looped through like

- form_for @account, :url => { :action => @given_action , :controller => 'admin'} do |f| - f.fields_for :company do |o|         %label{:for => "company|name"}= Company.human_attribute_name(:name)         = o.text_field :name, :named => "company|name"         - o.fields_for :city do |x|           %label{:for => "company|city|name"}= City.human_attribute_name(:name)           = x.text_field :name, :named => "company|city|name"

jquery is responsible for communication and requesting my particular methods so it calls appropriate model basing on something like params[:model], doajaxing method knows how to deal with nested attributes

so it request from controller some action like doajaxing_for_createmodel and it looks like:

  def doajaxing_for_createmodel     doajaxing("account")   end

and doajaxing itself looks like

def doajaxing(object_name)     if request.xhr?       sended = params[object_name.to_sym]       object_name = object_name.camelize       @process = object_name.constantize       @process =

Because you have "", the "on_create" validations will be triggered.

If you are updating an existing record, use   @process = @process.find(...model-id...) where model-id is usually taken from "params" (params[:id]). Then assign the new values to @process.

Then the "on_create" validations will not be triggered.

      @process.valid? ##some other processing if @process.errors[current_given]   #process message and field   #some @response is given in json   render :json => @response end end

that it work... I wonder if I can use instead of @process.valid? something else

Hope that helps. I think your "doajaxing" method needs to know about the two cases, create/update.


I just realized it too... so bad for me :slight_smile:

Ok, I thought there would be another more convenient way but as I can now see there is not

Regards, thanks everyone