Problem with has_and_belongs_to_many

Hello I have two models: app/model/user.rb class User < ActiveRecord::Base   has_and_belongs_to_many :roles end app/model/role.rb class Role < ActiveRecord::Base   has_and_belongs_to_many :users end And one controller: class Admin::UsersController < ApplicationController   # ...   def user_save usr, id = nil     roles =     usr[:roles].each_key do |role|       roles << Role.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => role})     end     if id.nil?       user = :first_name => usr[:first_name],                       :last_name => usr[:last_name]     else       user = User.find :first, :conditions => {:id => id}       user.first_name = usr[:first_name]       user.last_name = usr[:last_name]     end     user.roles = roles   end      private :user_save end

% sqlite db/library_development.db SQLite version 2.8.16 Enter ".help" for instructions

SELECT * FROM roles_users;


.schema roles_users

CREATE TABLE roles_users ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "role_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "user_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES roles (id), FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users (id));


From log:   Role Load (0.000510) SELECT * FROM roles WHERE (roles."id" = '1') LIMIT 1   User Load (0.000711) SELECT * FROM users WHERE (users."id" = '2') LIMIT 1   SQL (0.000675) PRAGMA table_info(users)   User Indexes (0.000181) PRAGMA index_list(users)   User Update (0.058220) UPDATE users SET "last_name" = 'xxxx', "first_n ame" = 'yyyy' WHERE "id" = 2   SQL (0.000738) PRAGMA table_info(roles_users)   Role Load (0.000789) SELECT * FROM roles INNER JOIN roles_users ON = roles_users.role_id WHERE (roles_users.user_id = 2 )   SQL (0.000580) PRAGMA table_info(roles)   Role Indexes (0.000221) PRAGMA index_list(roles)   SQL (0.000629) PRAGMA table_info(roles_users)   SQL (0.000000) SQLite::Exceptions::SQLException: PRIMARY KEY must be unique: INSERT INTO roles_users ("role_id", "id", "user_id") VALUES (1, 1, 2)

What can be wrong? Why it inserts it owns id?