Problem with functional test


I have upgraded to 2.3.2 and changed updated everything inside myproject :

This is my functional TEST :

require 'test_helper'

class Admin::ProjectsControllerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase

  def test_get_index     get :index     assert_response :success     assert_not_nil assigns(:projects)   end


This is my console :

s128:test pietia$ ruby functional/admin/projects_controller_test.rb Loaded suite functional/admin/projects_controller_test Started E Finished in 0.119872 seconds.

  1) Error: test_get_index(Admin::ProjectsControllerTest): NoMethodError: undefined method `get' for #<Admin::ProjectsControllerTest:0x25f0df0>     functional/admin/projects_controller_test.rb:6:in `test_get_index'

1 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors

Project_controller have index method and it works in browser.

I dont have idea how to solve it, google also don't give me any answers.

You should have changed that to ActionController::TestCase.


I have upgraded to 2.3.2 and changed updated everything inside myproject :

This is my functional TEST :

require 'test_helper'

class Admin::ProjectsControllerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase

You need "fixtures :projects" here.

Pietia wrote:

class Admin::ProjectsControllerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase

Shouldn't that be like ActiveController::TestCase


Ty fred, your solution worked , i just didnt notice that it should derive from action controller ( i copied heading from unit test )