Problem with ferret and fixtures:load

I use acts_as_ferret to my business model, and it work very well in development env. However, the problem is when I try to rake db:fixtures:load, it always show an errors

"Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'log_file' in 'field list': INSERT INTO `businesses` (`city`, `address1`, `updated_at`, `zip`, `logo`, `busname`, `id`, `lng`, `log_file`, `port`, `description`, `fax`, `phone`, `first_name`, `host`, `lat`, `last_name`, `log_level`, `pid_file`, `created_at`, `state`, `email`) VALUES ('New York', '106 Bayard St', '2008-08-26 14:28:47', 10013, 'tonys_pizza_logo', 'Tony\'s Pizza', 569266725, -74.008878, 'log/ferret_server.log', 9010, 'The best place to get pizza!', '7776662222', '8887772222', 'Tony', 'localhost', 40.72092, 'DiMaggio', 'warn', 'log/', '2008-08-26 14:28:47', 'NY', '')"

My business schema does not have any one log_file, host, port, pid_file, log_level. (I belive these field come from ferret), I think that ferret trying to put this filed into the database with the object. does any one know how to fix this problem. Inaddtion, the following code is in my business model

class Business < ActiveRecord::Base

acts_as_ferret :fields=>[ :coupon_title, :busname], :ferret=>{:or_default=>true}

has_many :coupons


def coupon_title return coupons.collect{|c| c.title}.uniq.join(' ') end


I finally solved this and this is the stupidest bug that I have ever seen.

The problem is that my businesses fixture have function to generate data

business1:   username: business1   encrypted_password: Business.encrypt_password(password) ...

that function cause fixture gone wild with ferret and cause the error message

after I remove and put the raw password everything work fine.

noelnoelu wrote:

I actually had the same problem, and removing all functions that generated data did not help. With some tracing, I think the problem is causing by some threading issue. But anyway, I modified (after making the file writable) fixtures.rb (on my machine in /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/active-record-2.1.2/lib/active_record

I changed the line @connection.insert_fixture(fixture, @table_name)


begin     @connection.insert_fixture(fixture, @table_name) rescue      puts "ERROR in fixtures.rb: failed to insert fixture #{fixture.to_s} into #{@table_name.to_s}" end

The error message gets generated once, but now it does not stop loading my fixtures.

A real solution would of course be better. But after a day of struggling I gotta get back to doing productive things


Nat Amontananuban wrote: