I am working on the API of our webservice. API users need to authenticate some of their calls... When I am performig the call through Firefox, everything is fine as shown in the log :
Processing OwnershipsController#new (for at 2008-09-26 16:20:03) [GET] Session ID: BAh7BiIKKmxhc2hJQzonQWN0aW9uQ29udHJvbGxlcjo6Rmxhc2g6OkZsYXNo SGFzaHsABjoKQHVzZWR7AA==--5a5630c016ccd9482ce679e272d3d53adea86595 Parameters: {"format"=>"xml", "action"=>"new", "controller"=>"sources/ownerships", "password"=>"MYPASS", "login"=>"MYUSER", "source_id"=>"1247"} Completed in 0.01454 (68 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00705 (48%) | DB: 0.00378 (25%) | 200 OK [http://site.com/sources/1247/ownerships/new.xml?login= MYUSER&password=MYPASS]
However, if I perform the exact same call from an external client wirtten in Perl, here is what I get n my log :
Processing OwnershipsController#new (for at 2008-09-26 16:19:39) [GET] Session ID: 6ef6e5b8289004d925517d48294f1cc1 Parameters: {"format"=>"xml", "action"=>"new", "controller"=>"sources/ownerships", "password"=>"MYPASS", "login"=>"MYUSER", "source_id"=>"1247"} Filter chain halted as [:login_required] rendered_or_redirected. Completed in 0.00284 (351 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00066 (23%) | DB: 0.00000 (0%) | 401 Unauthorized [http://site.com/sources/1247/ownerships/new.xml?login=MYUSER&password=MYPASS]
As you can see the parameters are precisely the same and, in one case, the call is successful while in another case it's not!
Do you guys have any idea on how to solve this?
Thanks a lot!