Problem using GeoKit plugin from rake task

I'm still learning rails and I've run into a problem that has me baffled and google hasn't been able to help.

I'm using the GeoKit plugin to handle the geocoding of one of my models. The model has a method called do_geocode(addr) that takes an address string (addr), does the geocoding and assigns the appropriate attributes based on the response. I've tested this quite a bit using my web interface and have had no problems. Now, though, I'm trying to do geocoding from a rake task, and this method always mysteriously fails. The rake task reads in an address string from a file and calls go_geocode on the model object.

Are rake tasks not able to utilize the full functionally of models that have plugin functionality mixed in? The rake task code is included below:

require 'csv'

namespace :util do   desc 'Import CSV file of stuff'   task(:import => :environment) do     CSV::Reader.parse('./lib/tasks/test.csv', 'r')) do |row|       store = do |c| = row[0] = row[1]         addr = row[2]         c.do_geocode(addr)       end

      if store.valid? # It is never valid because do_geocode always fails         puts 'Store is valid'       else         store.errors.each_full{ |msg| puts msg }       end

    end   end end