Problem using FasterCSV on Import: Can't convert Tempfile to string


I'm trying to import a CSV file using fasterCSV and keep getting this error when trying to import the file.

The parameters are passed from this view:

<% form_for :dump, :url => { :controller => 'mots', :action => 'mot_csv_import' }, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f| %>   <p>     <%= f.label :file, 'Select file to import' %><br />     <%= f.file_field :file -%>   </p>   <p>     <%= submit_tag "Submit" %>   </p> <% end %>

To this action:

  def mot_csv_import     header_row = true     row_number = 0     FasterCSV.foreach(params[:dump][:file]) do |row|       if not header_row         Mot.create(           :vrm => row[4],           :is_active => 0,           :is_new => 1)         row_number += 1         GC.start if row_number%50 == 0         header_row = nil       end     end     redirect_to :controller => 'mots', :action => 'index'   end

Can anyone advise me where I'm going wrong, please?