Problem running Flex&Ruby on Fedora 7

public class Users   {     private var service:HTTPService;

    [Bindable]     public var xmllist_user:XMLList;     [Bindable]     public var xmllist_user_right:XMLList;

    [Bindable]     public var enabled_remove_user_right:Boolean = false;

    //--------------------------------------------------     // Used : Constructor of Users     // V : 1.1 Des : Set property value to the 'service' variable     public function Users(){       service = new HTTPService();       service.method = "POST";       service.useProxy = false       service.resultFormat = "e4x";     }

    //--------------------------------------------------     // Used : get all the user name to store in 'xmllist_list'     // V : 1.1 Des : First create function for list user     public function listUser():void{       service.url = "/user/get_all_user_group_name";       service.addEventListener("result", httpResultListUser);       service.addEventListener("fault", httpFaultListUser);       service.send();     }     private function httpResultListUser(event:ResultEvent):void{       service.removeEventListener("result", httpResultListUser);       service.removeEventListener("fault", httpFaultListUser);       xmllist_user = new XMLList(service.lastResult.children());     }     private function httpFaultListUser(event:FaultEvent):void{       var faulstring:String = event.fault.faultString;       service.removeEventListener("result", httpResultListUser);       service.removeEventListener("fault", httpFaultListUser);,"Error");     }


Hi all, the above is my coding from Flex 2 and Ruby. Actually, it works well on windows there is nothing bug when I run it on Windows platform but when I run it on Linux Fedora 7 it produce the bug at "service.url = "/ user/get_all_user_group_name". It seem it doesn't know when I call my controller "user" then my method "get_all_user_group_name". When I run it, it produces the error message as below: Error [RPC Fault faultString="HTTP request error" faultCode="Server.Error.Request" faultDetail="Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: / user/get_all_user_group_name"]. URL: /user/get_all_user_group_name].

Well, I compile my application on windows platform and I run it on Fedora 7. Does it can be cause of the wrong compiler? IF so how can you recommend how can I compile my flex application on Linux Fedora 7? Regards, Sok