Problem Installing RMagick with Instant Rails on Windows

I'm running Instant Rails 1.4 on Windows XP with SP2.

I have downloaded the Windows binary version of RMagick from the RubyForge page.

Specifically, I have downloaded:

1.14.1 binary gem for Ruby 1.8.5 (fixed for RubyGems 0.9.4)

I have removed any older versions of RMagick using:

gem uninstall RMagick

I have updated my version of rubygems.

I executed the ImageMagick installer found in the zip file and selected the "Update executable search path" from the installation options.

I then installed the gem:

gem install rmagick --local

and received the response:

Successfully installed rmagick-1.14.1-unknown 1 gem installed

Unfortunately, when I type the following at a Rails Console prompt:

require 'RMagick'

I receive the response:

require 'RMagick'MissingSourceFile: no such file to load -- RMagick

Similarly, when I attempt to use RMagick within my Rails application (I use it to resize an uploaded image) I get the following message:

Problems loading rmagickProcessor: no such file to load -- RMagick

When I place the line:

require 'RMagick'

in the application's environment.rb the application fails with the message:

ExitingC:/InstantRails/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/ custom_require.rb:27:in `gem_original_require': no such file to load

I woud like to thank Robin Mayfield for indirectly resolving my similar issue with RMagick.

RMagick is now installed and working.

Here's what I did:

1. Downloaded 0.9.4 RubyGems zip file.

2. Ran the setup.rb

3. From within the unzipped RMagic-win32 directory I ran: gem install rmagick-1.14.1-win32.gem --local

I didn't need to insert require 'RMagick' in the environment.rb file.


Apparently, RMagick doesn't work with RubyGems 0.9.5.

Thanks again.



Thanks for posting that. I was just struggling with the installation of the gem.

I upgraded to gem 0.9.4 and installed RMagick ok.

BTW there is some also some information here:


I encountered the same problem.

I do not know why this problem occurred.

but at last i solved the problem. my note computer installed the same rmagick environment. it contains : all files in c:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems \rmagick-1.14.1-win32\ and c:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\specifications\rmagick-1.14.1- win32.gemspec file.

copy them to my new installation environment,and delete the rmagick-1.14.1-unknown floder and rmagick-1.14.1-win32.gemspec file.

it is stupid, but doable.

have a try!

Try to restart your computer. Worked for me :slight_smile:

Walter Lockhart wrote:

I woud like to thank Robin Mayfield for indirectly resolving my similar issue with RMagick.

RMagick is now installed and working.

Here's what I did:

1. Downloaded 0.9.4 RubyGems zip file.

2. Ran the setup.rb

3. From within the unzipped RMagic-win32 directory I ran: gem install rmagick-1.14.1-win32.gem --local

I didn't need to insert require 'RMagick' in the environment.rb file.


Apparently, RMagick doesn't work with RubyGems 0.9.5.

Thanks again.



Hi Walter, It seems to me RMagick doesn't work with RubyGems 1.0.1 either. Does any one know? Can someone please confirm? I got "loading RmagickProcessor: no such file to load -- RMagick" message in the log. If I add: require 'rubygems' require 'RMagick' to the environment.rb, My server does not start up successful and the following message is in the server log: `gem_original_require': no such file to load -- RMagick (MissingSourceFile)

I used rmagick-2.3.0-mswin32 and ImageMagick-6.4.0-Q8.

I'm looking forward for any thoughts/suggestions. Thank you.

I'm having the same problem with Gem 1.1.1 if I type into the IRB

require 'rubygems'

=> false (this is normal it means that rubygems was allready loaded)

require 'rmagick'

=> true

But when i try to start my server using 'simple captcha' plugin i get the error

/Applications/Aptana Studio/plugins/org.jruby_1.1.0.5965_RC2p2/lib/ ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in

`require': no such file to load -- RMagick (MissingSourceFile)

I have RMagick installed, rails just can't find it. I also have a similar problem with ruby-openid. can someone please help??