Hello Everyone I have install rails in my laptop. I am using Ubuntu Operating System. I create an app using $ rails new abc and then go to the abc folder and type rails server then i got error:
Add to Gemfile gem 'execjs' gem 'therubyracer' and then bundle install.
Is there permanent solution for that. You are saying that i have to add each time these gem in my each new rails app.
Is there permanent solution for that. You are saying that i have to add each time these gem in my each new rails app.
That is a permanent solution. Hardly a big deal compared to the amount of work required to develop the app itself. If you google a bit you will find the background. I believe they are not put there by default as there are other options, if you were using jRuby for example I believe it would be different.
You will have to do something yes.
In the newer versions of Rails (4.0.0.beta) the # rubyracer line is already there, but commented out.
What I do, is to take this order:
$ rails new name_of_app --skip-bundle $ vim Gemfile # add "gem 'therubyracer'" $ bundle install
so I don't have to wait 2 times for bundle install.
Actually, to not have to type --skip-bundle every time, I have this .railsrc defaults file:
~$ cat ~/.railsrc --skip-bundle -T -d postgresql
Thank You Colin