Recently I was implementing PDF generation for a project utilizing the fantastic library Prince XML ( I came across a blog article with a basic library and helper set for Prince (http:// rails), which provided a great basis. I wanted to make something a little more generalized and in-keeping the Rails Way, so I have created 'Princely', a simple wrapper utilizing much of the code from the SubImage library but giving it better helpers and pluginizing its inclusion.
== Installation ==
The first step is to download Prince (Prince - Download Prince 14.3) and install it on your platform of choice (only Linux and Mac OS X supported by the plugin at this time). Next, simply install the plugin:
script/install plugin
You are now ready to get started using Princely to generate PDF. Note that Princely is only compatible with Rails >= 2.0
== Usage ==
Princely uses the MimeTypes and respond_to blocks from Rails 2.0 to add PDF as a render option and a format. Because of this, it's incredibly easy to implement a PDF! Simply make your XHTML or XML template and use pdf as the format (e.g. show.pdf.erb), then add code similar to this in your controller:
class PagesController < ApplicationController def show respond_to do |format| format.html format.pdf { render :pdf => @page.pdf_name, :template => "show.pdf.erb", # not required, shown for example :layout => false # not required } end end end
And that's all there is to it! If you add a .pdf to your properly routed path, you should be presented with a PDF version of the page generated by Prince. The README ( princely/README) has more detailed usage information.
There is a Trac ( available for any bugs or patches you might come across. Additionally you can comment on this at the original blog post ( 2007/12/20/announcing-princely-rails-prince-xml-pdf-wrapper).