Preferred way of dealing with url hacking & REST

I usually do write a simple access? method on my User model. For example:

class User   def access?(article)     id == article.user_id   end end

Then in your controller you do use a before_filter

class ArticlesController < ApplicationController   before_filter :check_article_access

  def show   end

  protected   def check_article_access     @article = Article.find params[:id]     unless current_user.access? @article       redirect_to user_url(current_user)       return false     end   end end

There's still only one query, you just create the @article instance variable in a different method.



I usually do write a simple access? method on my User model. For example:

class User   def access?(article)     id == article.user_id   end end

I usually do the opposite.

class Article   def accessible_by?(user)     user && user_id ==   end end

Is that a better way, or is it just preference?

I throw the method on user because it lets me build out a permission system as needed. I start with checking ids, and then maybe it becomes

def access?(article)   role == "root" || article.user_id == id end

and then eventually we might end up using a full-fledged permission system.


If user has many articles and article belongs to user, ActiveRecord affords you the option of referencing articles within the user's scope like this:

@article = @user.articles.find(article_id) or: @article = @user.articles.create(:params[:article])

Actually, no. As long as all of those objects respond to the user_id message, you're golden - perhaps if I rename the argument that Pat used it will be clearer:

def access?(model)   id == model.user_id end

So for every model the belongs_to :user, you can ask the user object if it can access this model. If you want to be extra safe:

def access?(model) false unless model.responds_to? 'user_id' id == model.user_id end

This is where Ruby really shines above the statically-typed languages I used to use a long time ago in a galaxy far, far way.
