PostgreSQL user-defined type

I get the following error:

PGError: ERROR: null value in column "person_id" violates not-null constraint

...after I generate a basic scaffold and try to insert a record into a PostgreSQL table that looks like:

CREATE SEQUENCE people_id_seq; CREATE TABLE people (   id     INTEGER     NOT NULL     DEFAULT nextval( 'people_id_seq' )     PRIMARY KEY,

  person_id     y_octet_16     NOT NULL     DEFAULT encode( y_uuid_generate_random(), 'hex' )::y_octet_16,


The issue here, I believe, is that my 'person_id' field is based on my own user-defined type.

The log file shows rails trying to insert a NULL value into this field. Ideally I'd like rails to automatically understand that it shouldn't attempt to insert NULL into a NOT NULL field with a DEFAULT value. Short of that, I'd like to know how to tell my model to ignore this field.


Hmm, long time since I've looked at the code but there was a patch submitted to make ActiveRecord treat Postgres domains as their underlying types. Have a look on the Rails Trac. I meant to update it a while back - if you find it maybe leave a comment on it and suggest it's included in the adapter. I can't remember what ActiveRecord does with custom domains currently. I think they're a nice feature of Postgres and should probably be used more than they are.


IIRC, custom types should be treated as strings (can't check right now).

But this your problem is caused by inability of ActiveRecord to handle inserts where not-null columns have default values based on function calls (such like now() ).

One solution would be just to set up a trigger on that table:

CREATE FUNCTION gen_person_uuid() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN    IF NEW.person_id IS NULL       NEW.person_id := encode( y_uuid_generate_random(), 'hex' )::y_octet_16;    END IF;    RETURN NEW; END$$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER person_uuid_trg BEFORE INSERT ON people     FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE gen_person_uuid();

> The issue here, I believe, is that my 'person_id' field is based on my > own user-defined type.

> The log file shows rails trying to insert a NULL value into this > field. Ideally I'd like rails to automatically understand that it > shouldn't attempt to insert NULL into a NOT NULL field with a DEFAULT > value. Short of that, I'd like to know how to tell my model to ignore > this field.

IIRC, custom types should be treated as strings (can't check right now).

String would be o.k. in this case, as my output function converts the binary storage format to hexadecimal text. This field doesn't show up in the list view (or any other view) at all, though.

But this your problem is caused by inability of ActiveRecord to handle inserts where not-null columns have default values based on function calls (such like now() ).

One solution would be just to set up a trigger on that table:

CREATE FUNCTION gen_person_uuid() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN    IF NEW.person_id IS NULL       NEW.person_id := encode( y_uuid_generate_random(), 'hex' )::y_octet_16;    END IF;    RETURN NEW; END$$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER person_uuid_trg BEFORE INSERT ON people     FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE gen_person_uuid();

I guess I'll do that then for now. (this needs a 'THEN' in front of 'NEW.person_id := ...' btw.)


Thanks, I'll take a look.

IIRC, custom types should be treated as strings (can't check right now).

String would be o.k. in this case, as my output function converts the binary storage format to hexadecimal text. This field doesn't show up in the list view (or any other view) at all, though.

Phghgt. The 'id' suffix is special. I'll catch on soon enough..