POST instead of GET gives 404 (newbie)


Using JRuby 1.1 and Rails 2.0, I created a small project in NetBeans that allows me to generate a dynamic dialplan in XML. In case it matters, I'm using builder-2.1.2 and activerecord-2.0.2.

Going in the browser to: http://localhost:3000/routing/dialplan?Caller-Destination-Number=0

Does exactly what I want: <document type="freeswitch/xml">     <section name="dialplan" description="FreeSwitch dialplan for DoneRight">         <context name="default">              <extension name="test123">                  <condition field="destination_number" expression="^.* $">                      <action application="bridge" data="sofia/gateway/ doneright/404"/>                 </condition>              </extension>         </context>     </section> </document>

However, the arguments (Caller-Destination-Number=0) should be posted and that fails. I get a 404.

% curl -F "Caller-Destination-Number=0" http://localhost:3000/routing/dialplan <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> <HTML>   <HEAD><TITLE>Not Found</TITLE></HEAD>   <BODY>     <H1>Not Found</H1>     `/routing/dialplan' not found.     <HR>     <ADDRESS>      WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.8.6/2008-05-30) at      localhost:3000     </ADDRESS>   </BODY> </HTML>

My controller:   def dialplan     @routing = Routing.find(:first, :conditions => ['tfn like ?', params[:'Caller-Destination-Number']])     respond_to do |format|       format.xml     end   end

How do I avoid the 404 and will "params[:'Caller-Destination-Number']" still work when I use a post instead of a get?

I've searched the forums, but am none the wiser and I've got no clue how to approach this. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks, Birgit

How do I avoid the 404 and will "params[:'Caller-Destination-Number']" still work when I use a post instead of a get?

Sounds like your routes are setup to only accept a get. params are accessed in the same way for gets & posts.


Hi Fred,

Thanks for your reply.


I've tried several things in config/routes.rb, such as map.connect 'routing/dialplan', :controller => 'routing',   :action => 'dialplan',   :conditions => { :method => :post }

but no progress.

Googling for 'post' is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Would you mind helping out a bit more?

Thanks, Birgit

Hi Fred,

Thanks for your reply.


I've tried several things in config/routes.rb, such as map.connect 'routing/dialplan', :controller => 'routing',   :action => 'dialplan',   :conditions => { :method => :post }

but no progress.

Googling for 'post' is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Would you mind helping out a bit more?

What's in your routes right now ? If you haven't gone out of your way
with conditions on your routes, resources etc... then the default
controller/action/id route should still catch it whether it's a post
or a get.


Hi Fred,

Thanks for your reply (again). I got it working, albeit in GlassFish (not in Webrick).

My routes.rb files is very basic (I removed the 'map.connect' again):

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|    map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'    map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format' end

When I deployed the app in question in GlassFish and I got a different error than the one in Webrick when I do a HTTP post (http get was stillOK):

% curl -F "Caller-Destination-Number=0"

[ ... cut ... ]    <title>The change you wanted was rejected (422)</title> [ ... cut ... ]

   <!-- This file lives in public/422.html -->    <div class="dialog">      <h1>The change you wanted was rejected.</h1>      <p>Maybe you tried to change something you didn't have access to.</p>    </div>

I noticed in the glassfish/..../production.log: ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (No :secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call. Set that or use a session store capable of generating its own keys (Cookie Session Store).):

After googling, I commented out the in app/controllers/application.rb protect_from_forgery # :secret => 'xxxx' line.

It's a bit of a pain that it doesn't work in Webrick. It makes development harder.

Thanks, Birgit

I noticed in the glassfish/..../production.log: ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (No :secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call. Set that or use a session store capable
of generating its own keys (Cookie Session Store).):

After googling, I commented out the in app/controllers/application.rb protect_from_forgery # :secret => 'xxxx'

Ah yes. That only applies to post requests (but you'll only hit that
error after the correct action has been routed too)


It's a bit of a pain that it doesn't work in Webrick. It makes development harder.

Were you restarting webrick after changing routes.rb ?


Hi Fred,

When I first encountered the Webrick problem, my routes.rb was the plain default one. Just to be sure, I just added the 'map.connect' back and restarted webrick. Same problem.

In my Netbeans webrick output window, I get: #<WEBrick::HTTPStatus::BadRequest: invalid body size.> ["/home/birgit/.netbeans/6.1/jruby-1.1/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/httprequest.rb:288:in `read_body'",

This might well be a Netbeans/Webrick error, see

I'm not running on a windows platform, but otherwise, the conditions are the same: NetBeans 6.1, JRuby 1.1, gems 1.8

Thanks, Birgit

Hi Fred,

When I first encountered the Webrick problem, my routes.rb was the
plain default one. Just to be sure, I just added the 'map.connect' back and restarted webrick. Same problem.

In my Netbeans webrick output window, I get: #<WEBrick::HTTPStatus::BadRequest: invalid body size.> ["/home/birgit/.netbeans/6.1/jruby-1.1/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/ httprequest.rb:288:in `read_body'",

This might well be a Netbeans/Webrick error, see

Ah yes that does rather look like the same thing. You shouldn't need
anything other than the default in routes.rb but if webrick is not
playing ball then I suppose that's its fault (or possibly jruby's fault)


Thanks, Fred, for all your help. It's a bummer, but at least I can do some development using HTTP get and test it properly using a HTTP post by deploying it.

Thanks, Birgit