Polymorphic model path problems

I have a credentials_controller and Credential model. The Credential model is an STI structure with a number of classes inheriting it. For example:

class CredWebsite1 < Credential

When I try to do the index command in the credentials controller, it gives the error undefined method


Returns an instance of the specified klass with the attributes of the current record. This is mostly useful in relation to single-table inheritance structures where you want a subclass to appear as the superclass. This can be used along with record identification in Action Pack to allow, say, Client < Company to do something like render :partial => @client.becomes(Company) to render that instance using the companies/company partial instead of clients/client.

Note: The new instance will share a link to the same attributes as the original class. So any change to the attributes in either instance will affect the other.

In your case: link_to 'Show', credential.becomes(Credential)

You may also decide to have your controller specify the class instead, there is probably a clean way but I don't know it off the top of my head.

- Daniel strd6.com

Thanks! That is exactly what I was looking for. Works like a charm.
