Polymorphic comments table needs associated model


I've been banging my head on this problem for a bit.

I'm using the acts_as_commentable plugin which works great.

The scenario, I'm on the user's dashboard and want to display comments with commentable_type = Venue. No problem. But, if I want to display the name of that Venue with the comment... big nasty. The polymorphic key is a composite key and rails doesn't have a way to recognize this. I really want to keep with Active Record so I tried has_many_polymorphs, which makes finding the venue through the comments table possible but it doesn't JOIN the venue table with the comments table. So I resorted to writing a sql statement.


acts_as_commentable has_many_polymorphs :commentables, :from => [:venues, :artists, :events], :through => :comments

# --> WORKS but doesn't include the venue

@user.comments.find :all, :conditions => "`comments`.commentable_type = 'Venue'"

# --> Doesn't work, but it's my intention

@user.comments.find :all, :conditions => "`comments`.commentable_type = 'Venue'", :include => :venues

#--> WORKS but it's ugly

Comment.find_by_sql "SELECT `comments`. * , `venues`. name FROM `comments` INNER JOIN `venues` ON venues.id = comments.commentable_id WHERE (user_id =#{self.id} AND commentable_type = 'Venue') ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 0 , 30"

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can avoid using find_by_sql for this operation?

