Polymorphic Associations

Hi, I'm following the Polymorphic Associations test, issue as following.

I think @image.imageable returns an ActiveRecord Object, which you can't just display. If you are just testing:

@image.imageable.inspect should dump the active record object the image is related to.

If you are trying to get an attribute of the imageable relation, since there can be different relations you have to use the imageable_type to make sure it is there and use something like @image.imageble.name

But does the image an imageable? how are you saving the image?

I was just talking about polymorphic in general. For images I'd use something like paperclip.


Then you'd have something like

class Image < ActiveRecord::Base   include Paperclip   belongs_to :imageable, :polymorphic => true   has_attached_file :photo,     :styles => {       :thumb=> "100x100",       :small => "200x200>",       :medium => "300x300>",       :large => "400x400>" }
