Plugin dependencies

You shouldn't need to do anything, beyond some documentation to remind you (or others) that they need to install paperclip as well as your plugin.

The lib directories of all plugins are available before any plugin's init.rb is evaluated, so your code should be able to refer to classes in other plugins without having to do anything special. You could certainly add a 'require "attachment"' statement somewhere in your code, just to be explicit.

- James

You shouldn't need to do anything, beyond some documentation to remind you (or others) that they need to install paperclip as well as your plugin.

The lib directories of all plugins are available before any plugin's init.rb is evaluated, so your code should be able to refer to classes in other plugins without having to do anything special. You could certainly add a 'require "attachment"' statement somewhere in your code, just to be explicit.

It's not completely inconceivable that you might need paperclip to be loaded first - if it ends being more than just requiring attachment.rb you wouldn't want to find yourself effectively rewriting paperclip's init.rb. If you explicitly name plugins then they are loaded in the specified in that order eg

config.plugins = [:paperclip, :my_plugin]

maintaining such a list as you add plugins is annoying though (and I found myself adding a new plugin and spending 5 minutes wondering why it wasn't working before remembering I hadn't updated the list)

Luckily you can specify :all which represents all not explicitly named plugins eg

config.plugins = [:all, :my_plugin] or

config.plugins = [:paperclip, :all]
