Please help...passing arrays between controller and view

I have tried to get this question answered before with no success. I'm getting desperate! Here is a simplified description of my problem...

I have a many-to-many relationship between accounts and employees, with a model table in between called AccountEmployeeRelations. There is other stuff in this table, but I don't think that matters for now.

In the controller I create and account and 3 relations (I plan on changing this after I get it working)

  def new     @account =     @relations =     3.times do       @rs <<     end   end

I am really lost in new.rhtml. I need selections for multiple employees. I'm not sure if this is even close, but I know it does not work. I think I need something like select_tag( r.employee ) but I can't figure that part out.

<% form_for :account, :url => { :action => :create } do |form| %> Title: <%= form.text_field :title %><br/>

<% for r in @relations %> Employee: <%= select_tag( r.employee,    options_from_collection_for_select(Employee.find(:all, :order => 'name'),'id', 'name')) %> <br/> <% end %>

<%= submit_tag %> <% end %>

If I get this working, I may still need help with the create controller.