Hello all,
I'm a bit of a Nooby on Rails (is that a new joke?) as well as a Ruby Nooby and I've been trying all day to get to the bottom of an error. I promise I have tried everything but I've started going round in circles and deleting large chunks of code so it's probably time to call in the experts.
I've seen a few similar posts to this, mostly on this forum, but none seem to be entirely applicable to my case.
I have a formtastic form which gathers some inputs and creates a new Transaction which then generates a nasty error. it seems to be centred on the @transaction.save action, this is where my 'puts' debugging outputs stop.
I've done nothing (intentionally) advanced, mainly relying on defaults and nifty_generators, so I can't see how I've got myself into such a pickle.
Any help you can offer would be very much appreciated, please let me know if I've missed something you need to see. I really am going insane.
Kind regards
[transactions_controller.rb in part] --------------- --------
def new @transaction = Transaction.new end
def create @transaction = Transaction.new(params[:transaction]) if @transaction.save <<< this is line 36 flash[:notice] = "Successfully created transaction." redirect_to items_path else render :action => 'new' end end