permalink_fu and classes with different primary_key than id?

Has anyone else had problems with this scenario?

class Team < ActiveRecord::Base   # Primary key   self.primary_key = 'team_id'

  has_many :players, :foreign_key => :team_id

  has_permalink :city, :param => true end

I am getting all kinds of trouble - that goes away if I comment out the has_permalink declaration.

With PermalinkFu:

fs =

=> #<Team team_id: nil, abbr: nil, city: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, permalink: nil>

fs.team_id = 1

NoMethodError: undefined method `team_id=' for #<Team:0x2af1173c6030>   from ~/20080917172814/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/ attribute_methods.rb:251:in `method_missing'   from (irb):8

without it just assigns the correct value to team_id

The real bizarness comes here: = 1

=> 1


=> #<Team team_id: 1, abbr: nil, city: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, permalink: nil>

How does this happen?

This is all well and good except that these things fail:

record = Team.find_or_create_by_team_id(1)

NoMethodError: undefined method `team_id=' for #<Team:0x2af1173b2418>
