I'm getting very poor performance when using periodically_call_remote() in a Rails application. By poor performance I mean that pages don't refresh at the requested interval (specified in the periodically_call_remote args). Moreover, if I open more browsers, the refresh time decreases even more.
Right now I have the frequency set to 5 seconds, and the update sends back to the browser approx. 1200 bytes. I tested with 1 browser (refresh rate is 5 sec), 4 browsers (refresh rate is 8 sec) and 10+ browsers (refresh rate varies between 7 sec and 25 sec). I understand that the refresh rate is higher than 5 seconds since you need to account for the request/reply time, but I refuse to belive it can't scale better.
I made sure that periodically_call_remote() is called properly and that one update doesn't cause multiple updates. I also made sure that the action method executed on the server is very fast (initially I had some DRb calls, but now it simply returns a Struct whose properties are displayed in the view).
Since I'm new to Rails and Ajax, I wanted to know if this is expected, or if there is something wrong with the way I organized the periodically_call_remote() code.
Thanks, Tiberiu Motoc
PS. I'm using WEBrick