path helper help

I have a controller:

class HomeController < ApplicationController

def index


def about


def contact


def terms


def privacy



My routes.rb has:

resources :home do

member do

get ‘about’

get ‘contact’

get ‘terms’

get ‘privacy’



In my application.html.erb I have:

  • About
  • It seems to be expecting an id?

    I’m getting the error:

    No route matches {:action=>"about", :controller=>"home"}
    Rake routes shows:
    about_home GET /home/:id/about(.:format) home#about

    Maybe it could be a inflection problem:



    The convention is that a controller is the pluralized name of the model.

    Use “collection” instead “member”

    Thanks, that worked. Although it doesn’t make sense, it isnt’ a colleciton so I guessed to use member.

    BTW, how could I match this:


    Where ‘some-name-here’ is the parameter (id), and I want to call home#show

    You can use match ‘home/:page’ => ‘home#page’ <<<< before resources :home <<<< after


    def page

    use params[:page]

    end Rails routes are matched in the order they are specified, so if you have a resources :photos above a get 'photos/poll' the show action’s route for the resources line will be matched before the get line. To fix this, move the get line above the resources line so that it is matched first.

    You can use

    match ‘home/:page’ => ‘home#page’ <<<< before resources :home <<<< after

    this isn’t advisable. home/:page will match home/1

    Not if defined before the resource.

    Not if defined before the resource.

    i’m not saying that it won’t work. i’m saying that it’s not good practice. i would’ve agreed

    with your method if you added constraints to values of the :page parameter.

    hummm… really, I agree with you.